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How do you clean TPE sex dolls?

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How do I clean my sex doll's intimate area?
Sex dolls can help deal with anxiety
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Advantages of sex dolls
Saxophone types
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Heavy metal music instrument

Le jour J
S-TPE material: a new weapon for WM Doll
How to care for a sex doll wig?
Misconceptions about real dolls
Can dolls help reduce porn use?
Comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of TPE sex dolls and silicone sex dolls

How can I dispose of used sex dolls?

Comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of TPE sex dolls and silicone sex dolls
Advantages of silicone
Silicones have the advantage of being safe and non-toxic. It is insoluble in water and all solvents. It is non-toxic, odorless, chemically stable and does not react with any substances except strong alkalis and hydrofluoric acid.
Silicone Love Dolls have high adsorption ability, good stability and stable chemical properties. The soft and flexible texture provides a lifelike feel. Silicone material has fewer pores on the surface, so it can attract less dust, is easier to clean and is less sensitive to high temperatures.

Disadvantages of silicone
Silicone costs more and is therefore sold at a higher price than TPE sex dolls. Not as soft as TPE, harder to the touch. When the sex doll is rocked back and forth, the hips and chest do not swing as much as TPE Real Dolls.

TPE advantages.
TPE is environmentally friendly, non-toxic, easy to color, smooth and soft to the touch, easy to process and shape, does not need to be vulcanized, and can be recycled to reduce costs. In addition, it can be coated with PP, PE, PC, PS, ABS and other plastics or molded separately.
Breasts and hips swing when the sex doll is rocked back and forth. The TPE material is soft and durable and allows for a wide range of sexual positions.

TPE disadvantages.
It is a porous material in which dust settles more easily. Because it is porous, it retains moisture and must be completely dried after cleaning to prevent mold.
In addition, TPE material is heat sensitive. At temperatures above 40°C (104°F), the TPE Lebensechte Sexpuppen may lose its consistency or melt.

TPE or silicone, which is better for making sex dolls?
Both have their advantages, but TPEs are more cost-effective than polysiloxanes in terms of processing options, recycling and cost. With the increasing types and applications of TPE, TPE is the material of choice to replace silicone! So TPE is definitely more suitable for making Anime sexpuppen than silicone.

How do I choose?
1. Consider your budget.
If you are on a low budget, you should choose a TPE sex doll. If your budget exceeds 2000 euros, you should consider purchasing a silicone love doll.

2. Do you have higher standards of appearance?
If you have higher demands on the appearance and makeup of sex dolls, then silicone sex dolls are more suitable for you. We agree that silicone sex dolls have more convincing and sophisticated facial makeup.

3. Would you like to take a hot bath with your Mittelgroße Brüste Sexpuppen?
The TPE material should not be exposed to temperatures above 40ºC. This temperature is warm enough for a bath, but you should be especially careful if you want to put your TPE sex doll in the bathtub. Silicone dolls do not have this problem, so you can additionally take hot baths.

Whatever choice you make, DOLLSGER.com will meet your needs. If you don't know how to decide, let us know and we will recommend the right love doll for you.

Love Dolls
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Real Dolls
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Lebensechte Sexpuppen
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Anime sexpuppen
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Mittelgroße Brüste Sexpuppen
(cliquez ici pour suivre le lien)
Message déposé le 28.11.2023 à 08:48 - Commentaires (0)

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Tous les messages
S-TPE material: a new weapon for WM Doll
Advantages of sex dolls
How to care for a sex doll wig?
How do I clean my sex doll's intimate area?
How do you clean TPE sex dolls?
How can I dispose of used sex dolls?
Misconceptions about real dolls
Sex dolls can help deal with anxiety
Heavy metal music instrument
Saxophone types
Can dolls help reduce porn use?
Comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of TPE sex dolls and silicone sex dolls
Milan travel trip
Milan travel trip
Milan travel trip

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